Fall Instructional League
Description: For players moving into 11U, 13U, or 15U in 2025. Opportunity to learn rules of the age group you will be playing the following year, new positions, 50% skill development/ 50% game play, indoor only (NO RAINOUTS). *Parent coaches are welcome to participate, no expectations on attendance.
Registration Opens July 1, 2024 (Limited spots. We are currently working through back end website issues. Call in or email info@thedomereddeer.com to register if the register now button is not working.)
Ages: U11 (9-10), U13 (11-12), U15 (13-14)
Level: A, AA, AAA (Separated Accordingly)
Duration: 7 weeks – 14 Sessions
U11 Details: Ages 9-10
Level A, AA
Start Date Tuesday, September 10
End Date Thursday, October 24 (7 weeks – 14 Sessions)
Days Tuesday and Thursday
Time 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
Field Eagle Builders Field
Cost: $399 + GST ($14.25 /hr)
U13 Details: Ages 11-12
Level A, AA, AAA (separated accordingly)
Start Date Monday, September 9
End Date Wednesday, October 23 (7 weeks – 14 Sessions)
Days Mondays and Wednesdays
Time 5:00-7:00 pm
Field Eagle Builders FieldCost: $399 + GST ($14.25 /hr)
U15 Details: Ages 13-14
Level A, AA, AAA (separated accordingly)
Start Date Monday, September 9
End Date Wednesday, October 23 (7 weeks – 14 Sessions)
Days Mondays and Wednesdays
Time 7:00-9:00 pm
Field Eagle Builders Field
Cost: $399 + GST ($14.25 /hr)
What to Bring:
Players will need to bring a glove, spill proof water bottle, clean running shoes or cleats, bat and helmet. We recommend wearing pants rather than shorts.
To inquire about all things baseball contact: saad@thedomereddeer.com