Train Hard, Train Smart.

This program is for athletes looking to increase speed and power on the field, court, ice, or wherever it is needed. We will be increasing strength and power as well as teaching running mechanics and improving the athletes ability to move quickly and effectively in all directions. In this program we will be breaking down movement into 3 categories, Acceleration, multidirectional speed, and absolute speed. Half of our time will be devoted to improving speed and mechanics and the other half will be devoted to developing the strength and power needed to move effectively.

Level- Beginner- Intermediate

Duration- 90 min sessions

Frequency-  2X per week

Cost- $299.99 +gst

Date/Time- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1pm from July 4th – August 10th

Price includes– 12 hour and a half sessions, 2 body fat tests, nutrition presentation.

What to bring– Athletes will need to bring athletic wear, spill proof water bottle, shoes, and cleats if possible.

Get Started

The Dome Football Coaches