Maximize Potential. Train Hard, Train Smart.
The Dome’s School of Football exists to make all football players in Central Alberta better. The program is specially designed to be a holistic approach to athletic development focused on five general areas of physical, mental, character / mindset, technical and tactical football skill development. Athletes can expect to see increases in game IQ, positional knowledge, position specific technical skill development, exposure to competition, as well as physical development. Parents can expect to see character and mindset development in their child as they progress through our program. To maximize development, our coaching staff recommends that all players do Strength and Conditioning sessions throughout the week.
Format: 7 (for Peewee) 8 weeks (For Bantam and High School) of development that includes on-field drills and scrimmages. Focusing on all 3 phases of the game, athletes will learn and develop offensive and defensive skills as well as a Special Teams skill set. All athletes will also go through a Combine testing day where they will perform drills just like they would at the NFL Combine. Strength and Conditioning can be added to your child’s development as well as Mindset and Character Development classes taught by former professional hockey player and Olympian Noah Welch. Call The Dome for more information.
Dates and Times:
Sunday February 23rd 2025 – Sunday April 27th 2025 (Days off: March 16th off for Peewee only all other groups come this day, April 6th and April 20th)
Schedule and Age:
Atom / Peewee: 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Players entering or returning to Atom and Peewee in the Fall
Bantam: Sundays On Field 4:45pm – 6:15pm
Players entering or returning to Bantam in the Fall
High School: Sundays On Field: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Players entering or returning to High School in the Fall
PLEASE NOTE: March 2 All times start 30 mins later.
Cost: $349 + gst (No refunds)
Price includes 8 weeks of on field training and SoF tee. Peewee is only 7 weeks and the cost is $306 + gst (No refunds)
Please arrive 15 min prior to session start.
2025 Football Coaches: Tanner Green, Kyle Liptak, Junior Rivera, Mark Fay, Adam Donovan, Steve Pelech, Todd Lewis, Nathan Goode, Pierre Konan, Dom Fudge, Logan Oddie, Chris Harden, Andrew Opdendries, Brandon Leyh, Haiden Brown, Garner, Kolybaba, Brett Kruger, Matt Merkley, Chris Peterson, and potential guest coaches.
What to Bring: Contact your local team for the following equipment (Helmet, Mouthguard, Shoulder Pads, Girdle with Lower Body Pads [Hip Pads, Thigh Pads and Tailbone Pad], Knee Pads, Practice Pants or Shorts), Cleats, Gloves, non-spill water bottle. For S&C sessions wear indoor sneakers and proper workout clothing. Multiple layers and a long sleeve shirt recommended.